Sorry folks, no
pictures for June. |
Lee Bender |
Myrtle wood
jewelry case and three dolphins carved from black walnut. |
Larry Deedon |
Two hunting
decoys for the Washington ducks Unlimited Program. |
Paul Nielson |
Spoons |
Nancy Bock |
Several small
animals |
note; My apologies for not being at the last meeting with my camera. I
also have to apologize because I won’t be at the next meeting either.
I am working on a 4ft. ship’s figurehead with Kelley Stadelman. We
have to have it finished by the 5th of July and will be
displayed in one of the Hillsboro Street of Dreams Homes, July - August.
I will include a picture of our progress as of June 27th. I
had planned on bringing the carving down for the meeting, but the
picture will be my show and tell contribution for July.
If someone wants to bring a camera to the meeting and take some
pictures of the show and tell carvings and mail them to me before
the third week of July, I can scan them and put them in the newsletter
for August.
(They should be taken as close as possible without cutting off any of
the carving)