June 2001

champaign_glasses_confetti_md_wht.gif  Next meeting is January 7th, 2002  champaign_glasses_confetti_md_wht.gif

Sorry folks, no pictures for June.

Lee Bender Myrtle wood jewelry case and three dolphins carved from black walnut.
Larry Deedon Two hunting decoys for the Washington ducks Unlimited Program.
Paul Nielson Spoons
Nancy Bock Several small animals
editor’s note; My apologies for not being at the last meeting with my camera. I also have to apologize because I won’t be at the next meeting either. I am working on a 4ft. ship’s figurehead with Kelley Stadelman. We have to have it finished by the 5th of July and will be displayed in one of the Hillsboro Street of Dreams Homes, July - August. I will include a picture of our progress as of June 27th. I had planned on bringing the carving down for the meeting, but the picture will be my show and tell contribution for July.

If someone wants to bring a camera to the meeting and take some pictures of the show and tell carvings and mail them to me before the third week of July, I can scan them and put them in the newsletter for August.

(They should be taken as close as possible without cutting off any of the carving)